DBU - The Danish Football Association

More than just a game

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Project facts

In a bid to strengthen their identity and offerings in a market with growing competition, DBU asked Manyone to support them with a new website and a tailored identity for their schools.

Client: DBU
Agency: Manyone
Year: 2018

My role:
Lead design direction, concept and execution.

DBU fodboldskole

Each summer, the Danish Football Association hosts football schools across the country. Partnering with 240 clubs it allows kids from the entire country to spend a week during their summer holidays playing football.

DBU fodbold skole mobile design
Soccer grass
DBU fodbold skole mobile design
DBU fodboldskole logo

For football clothes and merchandise, we designed a new simple and more modern logo

DBU fodboldskole tøj
DBU fodboldskole team
Find DBU fodboldskole website
Soccer shoes
DBU fodboldskole website navigation
Soccer grass
DBU fodboldskole pages
DBU fodboldskole website design

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